Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Hüfingen Roman Bath Ruins

Visitor Information

Opening Times

Roman Bath Ruins

1 November to 30 April


1 May to 31 October

Sun., Holiday
02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Guided Tours

Educational Museum Activities

1 May to 31 October

Roman mosaic and nine men’s morris

1 November to 30 April

Roman mosaic and nine men’s morris

Activities Without Tours

1 May to 31 October

Roman mosaic and nine men’s morris

1 November to 30 April

Roman mosaic and nine men’s morris

Start: Roman Bath Ruins. Distance: 3 km.

Tour in German.

Tours for adults, school classes and groups available year-round by arrangement.

For bath ruin events visit:


Roman Bath Ruins

Adults 3,00 €
Reduced 1,50 €
Groups of 10 or more
Adults2,50 €
Guided Tours for up to 50 people
Adults (in addition to admission)45,00 € (flat fee)
Children and students (in addition to admission)35,00 € (flat fee)

Disability Access

Information is available atDisability access

How to find us

journey description: Hüfingen Roman Bath Ruins, illustration: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, JUNG:Kommunikation


Hüfingen Roman Bath Ruins
Schosenweg 1
78183 Hüfingen, Germany

Getting there

The baths are a 15-minute walk from Hüfingen station:
cross Donaueschinger Str./Hauptstr., go through the town gates to Dögginger Str.
From here, follow the signs for the baths (Römerbad).

Contact us

Hüfingen Roman Bath Ruins

Schosenweg 1
78183 Hüfingen, Germany

Hüfingen Office for tourism and culture

(Tourismus & Kultur)
Hauptstraße 18
78183 Hüfingen, Germany

Contact form

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